report on Sex Deviation, recently told Commonwealth Club that we have too many sex laws, and that they often do more harm than good. Sexual practices not accomplished by violence or with minors, he said, can't and shouldn't be regulated by the state-tho "We have in the United States a considerable number of persons who want to regulate by law the behavior and even the thinking of others."

"We are beginning to see a breakdown of the long-standing taboo on public discussion of sex," he said, and as if to confound him, the Commonwealth Club, which had chosen his topic, and prides itself as open to controversial topics, nixed its usual practice of having parts of their weekly chats broadcast by several radio stations, refusing even to release the tape to KPFA-FM, a bold Berkeley station supported entirely by subscription. Releases to most of the papers were also killed or played down. NATION (the only national liberal periodical to pay much attention to any aspect of homosexuality recently) reprinted the speech in their Oct. 25


KPFA meanwhile scheduled an unprecedented two-hour discussion of homosexuality, with two taped panels, for Monday, Nov. 24, between 9:30 and 11:30 p.m. The first hour, moderated by Mrs. Elsa Knight Thompson, will feature discussion of general aspects of homosexuality, by Blanche M. Baker, M.D., psychiatrist, Mrs. Leah Gailey, housewife, and Harold Call, editor of the MATTACHINE REVIEW. Second hour will feature Dr. Bowman, discussing his Commonwealth speech, among other things, Frank Beach, Jr., U.C. Prof of Psychology and David Wilson of the U.C. School of Criminology, and Morris Lowenthal, atty, who has defended the Black Cat, a cafe-bar, against sev-


eral attempts by authorities to close. it down as a homosexual hangout.

As this is being written, the French homophile magazine, ARCADIE, is celebrating its fifth anniversary with conferences and a banquet in Paris.


26 girls and Kenneth Evans competed in Canterbury, Eng., in a "mothercraft" exam. Kenneth won

.. Self-styled tomboy Vicky Peeples, 12, of Baltimore, recently complained to authorities about girls not being allowed to go on Polar expeditions, and volunteered her services. Got a heartwarming reply from Rear Adm. Dufek who explained some people might think. she was too young. Bit o' biz in L. A. paper about young man trying to play torero with auto. "With coat held cape-wise, (he) pranced before Robert Austin's oncoming car, inviting a charge. Austin swerved. Zuk pirouetted into the car's path. Another swerve. Another pirouette. Then impact hurled the torero 30 feet and he landed flat on his coleta." Arrested under Section 80.40 for standing in roadway and interfering with traffic, Judge Weisman noted Zuk wasn't exactly standing and dismissed case..

TIME, reporting that Salt Lake's homo-baiting topcop Cleon Skousen said Officer Orton (whose driving record shows three off-duty accidents, seven arrests, four suspensions) has an outstanding record," quipped, "FOR WHAT?"

This plumber was telling his partner-son how to be tactful. "Once when I happened on a lady in her bath, I remembered my tact, and said, 'Pardon me, sir,' and got out without looking back." Some weeks later, our beamish boy said, "Pop, I did it. I was real tactful today. Fixing the faucet in a motel. I went through the bedroom and found a couple newlyweds still in bed. What